Health & Wellness » Health Requirements, Guidelines For Child Illness & Documents

Health Requirements, Guidelines For Child Illness & Documents

Health Requirements


Required Physical Examinations:

Connecticut State law states that all children who attend school, require timely physical exams and age-appropriate immunizations.  Documentation of these visits are completed on a Health Assessment form (HAR-3) which is a mandatory form that is filled out by your child’s doctor and becomes a part of their school medical chart.  Please find the age appropriate forms in the documents section below, to download and print.

              Physical Exams are mandatory for any Pre-School, Kindergarten, Grade 6 or 7th student, or any newly enrolled student. For the newly enrolled students, physicals should be within 1 year of entry date.  Oral health screenings are required for any newly enrolled student and our 6th/7th grade students.  All pages of the health assessment form should be complete, immunization record attached and MUST have the doctor’s signature AND stamp on it.   If visiting the dentist, please request a school form.  Forms are typically obtained at the physician’s office; however, they can be found in the documents section below.


Required Immunizations:

Connecticut State law also mandates that children receive appropriate vaccinations at various grade levels.  Please refer to the Immunization Requirements document for more detailed information.  Regular yearly exams will ensure that all necessary vaccines will be given on an appropriate schedule.   If your child receives any immunizations, please request an immunization record at the time of the appointment to bring to school.  The link below can answer some questions that you may have about immunizations also the importance of receiving them.  I have also added a printable document for your convenience, in the documents section.


Required Medication Authorizations:

 Any and all medications (whether prescribed or over the counter) that are meant to be given to a student during school hours MUST be authorized by a physician with signature AND stamp.  You can find the authorization form below.  These forms must be turned in with said medication at the beginning of the school year by an adult.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND MEDICATION TO SCHOOL WITH THE STUDENT.  These forms will expire at the end of every school year and medication MUST be picked up at that time as well. 


Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns and thank you for your cooperation!





Guidelines for Childhood Illness

The timing of absence is important to decrease the spread of illness to other students. This list outlines criteria for keeping your child home when they are ill, and it represents NBFA policy.


Please keep your child home when he/she has:

-Cold symptoms with cough, discolored nasal drainage, or runny nose

-Diarrhea, nausea &/or vomiting

-Eye drainage (profuse &/or thick)

-Fever above 100.4/Chills

-Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

-Loss of taste or smell

-Muscle or body aches

-Undiagnosed skin rash- rashes need to be evaluated by a doctor and verified as non-contagious

-Sore throat (if cultured, until 24 hr. result is back & negative)

-Sore throat (if positive culture-24 hrs. after antibiotics started)

-When child feels too sick to take part in the school day

Your child may return to school when:

-Temperature is normal for a full 24 hrs. without the help of medications.

-Diarrhea &/ vomiting has stopped for a full 24 hrs. (i.e. Students who have been sent home Tuesday morning or afternoon, may return to school on Thursday).

-Rash has been seen by M.D. (must bring note to school nurse)

-If your child has been sent home with COVID-19 symptoms or was a close contact of a positive case, a 14-day quarantine is required.

-If antibiotics are prescribed, 24 hours after first dose given.


Parents, please bring a doctor’s note or a note explaining child’s absence in order to avoid Unexcused Absences.


Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns and thank you for your cooperation!